Monday, May 4, 2009

New Website roughed out for M.S. Pecora Realtor

We have finished initial design of the website for Mike and Cheryl Pecora of West Hazleton, PA.   

Having chalenges getting the Greater Hazleton Board of Realtors MLW Flex msl to appear, but will continue that effort.

Slide show of listings in Hazleton homes for sale is from picasa but may explore .

Created an opening paragraph: M.S. Pecora Realtor is Hazleton and west Hazleton's leading office for single family, multi-family commercial homes, rentala, properties and land.  We help families buy houses and homes from first time buyers to real estate investors. We can arrange for you to meet with local morgage companies, secure financing, get an lappraisal, estimate the market value of my your house.

Loaded a keyword block:

Homes in Hazleton hispanic speaking realtor sell my house West Hazleton hazleton conyngham sugarloaf, drums butler valley, mcadoo keylares freeland beavermeadows, schuylkill county luzerne county carbon county, weatherly eagle rock ringtown shenandoah milnesville shepton, jeddo, eckley minersvillage, poconos, bog boulder, mountaintop, knoebles, hazleton standard speaker, mayor lou barletta, cando humbolt industrial park as seen in the times leader, wkrz, wazl hazleton area high school

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